Adult Bible Studies.

Monday mornings at 10:00 am, Fellowship is at 9:30am

Genesis Chapters 1-11

Genesis is an old book and tells an even older story. Its first 11 chapters talk about primeval history, the earliest times at the beginning of the world. You might wonder how this could be relevant thousands of years later. But if I told you it raised questions about evolution, creation care, the role of women, and family dynamics, would that sound more interesting? If so, please join us on Mondays in the youth room downstairs beginning on September 9. We start the discussion at 10 am, but you're welcome to come at 9:30 am for fellowship. Please see Deacon Linda if you have any questions.

Adult Bible Study.

Mondays at 11:30 am

Faith of Our Neighbors

We will continue to look at the faiths of our neighbors.

The upcoming denominations that we will be looking at are: Anglicans/Episcopalian, Baptists, Puritans and Pilgrims.

Bring lunch if you like. 

Monday Morning Discussion.

This adult fellowship event began five years ago. It has grown to over twenty-plus attendees and is a great way to build relationships within our congregation. Consider giving Jumpstart a try.


First Monday Faith Conversation.

First Monday of the month at 6:00 pm

March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4, September 1, October 6, November 3, December 1

Martin Luther’s Small Catechism

Light supper of Soup and Bread will be served.

Join us as we gather and discuss the basic truths of our faith. We will learn about The Small Catechism by Martin Luther.

This class will be led by the pastors.